Friday, December 29, 2023

Something to think about




Why is there an undying need to belong? A fear of being left out alone. And so as not to be left behind from the flock you try to mold yourself into something you are not. Hoping you find similar minds, with whom you can share your ideas with, who can challenge you, help you grow. And feel belonged. And by trying to fit in, you beat yourself down and forget that by doing so essentially destroying your own purpose and becoming the loneliest you've ever been. Among a crowd who is too busy intrinsically lost it itself you become truly lost.

The thing is you were never meant to fit in. You were always meant to stand out. You are odd the odd one out for a reason. And it's your purpose to make sense of it.

And finally one day you pick up the courage to just be.


Monday, December 13, 2021


Tommy, watercolour on paper

Chai, oil on canvas